Our studios use a state-of-the-art heating system. Just as we all Breathe, so do our Hot Yoga Rooms. Never stuffy and always well ventilated. You will leave our classes Refreshed and Energized. Hot Yoga?? You heat the room?? Yes we do!!! The heated yoga room helps to loosen tight muscles and aides in detoxification via sweat. The mental challenge of staying focused and present in one’s breath develops tremendous mental determination. Discipline breeds Freedom. The yoga postures are designed to utilize strength to facilitate better mobility. Yes, in Yoga you will become more flexible but more importantly we are looking to bring about structural integrity. “Yoga = Stretching” is huge misconception. There is no use in becoming flexible and flimsy. We work with people of all ages and abilities. Young Athletes to Senior Citizens. Our classes are designed so you can start from where you’re at. Almost any limitation can be worked with. ARE THE CLASSES DIFFICULT??? They are challenging and in this they are effective. Anything great will not be easy. Our classes are concise, clear and respectful.